
  1. Airframe and Propulsion

    Lead: Rajat Raghunath

    The successful launch of a rocket is dependent on a number of parameters, the most important of which are aerodynamics, motor performance, and structural stability. The study of airflow around a rocket during flight is known as aerodynamics. The engine and nozzle are critical components of rocket propulsion because they provide the thrust required for the rocket to take off and reach its objective. At the same time, the rocket's structure's strength and stability ensure that it can endure the extreme pressure and temperature variations experienced during flight. These elements, when combined, contribute to the safe and efficient operation of a rocket.

  2. Avionics

    Lead: Ankit Negi

    Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC) systems are important components of a rocket that ensure correct flight and trajectory. These systems capture data from a range of sensors, including acceleration, gyroscopic values, altitude, pressure, humidity, and temperature, among others. The data is evaluated in real-time to make key decisions about the rocket's trajectory and position in orbit. The GNC system is also in charge of manoeuvring the rocket to its destination and ensuring its stability throughout flight. GNC systems have become more complex as technology has advanced, making space exploration safer and more reliable than ever before.

  3. Payload and Recovery

    Leads: Diya B and Diva Mariam John

    A rocket is launched for a variety of causes, including scientific research and space exploration. It's a complicated process with numerous phases and components. CanSAT, a tiny satellite designed to carry out specialised experiments and collect data, is one such component. Typically, the CanSAT is installed on a rocket and launched into orbit. Recovery is an important part of the launch process. When the rocket's fuel runs out, the rocket and CanSAT must be recovered safely. This entails landing safely and recovering the components without causing damage. The recovery operation is important to ensuring that the CanSAT's data is not destroyed and that the rocket may be reused for future flights.

  4. Management

    Lead: Parthan C

    The management department of a club is in charge of the club's finances and sponsorship. They are also in charge of the club's social media and public relations. The department ensures that the club receives the finances and exposure it needs to meet its aims and objectives. They ensure that the club runs smoothly and successfully by employing appropriate management tactics.